Friday Fanfic
Buffy the Dragon Slayer
(An obvious continuation of last week's story)
Chapter Eighteen-Alpha
As the thin dark-haired man with the face of a fox aimed his crossbow in Buffy's direction, his one-armed companion cried out," Wait a minute! You just said dragons are almost indestructible. What good is a crossbow going to do?"
"Grab her attention for one thing," said the dark-haired man. "Anyway, I need to get her within range of me in order to reverse the transformation spell that has been placed on her and there's no way I can do that without getting her attention first. And that means using a crossbow."
"But suppose she attacks you?" asked the one-armed man.
"By the time she's close enough, I'll have reversed the spell and she won't be a dragon anymore," said the dark-haired man.
"But won't she fall if she turns back into a human while she's still in the air?" asked the one-armed man.
The dark-haired man smiled. "What do you think?"
"I think your plan is foolish," said a voice behind the two men. "Buffy may be young and inexperienced but I sincerely doubt she'll go out of her way to attack a mere human when there are far more important things she could be dealing with. After all, she is a hero, don't you know?"
The dark-haired man turned and saw Sir Roderick standing behind him and the one-armed man with a crossbow that was even larger than his own.
At that point, the dark-haired man sneered and said, "Stay out of this, Sir Roderick! You have no idea what you're dealing with."
"Nor do you, Erastus," said Sir Roderick. "Now please put down the crossbow before someone gets hurt."
"Fat chance, Sir Roderick," said Erastus. "Now turn away now if you don't wish to see your precious Slayer get hurt."
"Oh, it's not her that I'm worried about," said Sir Roderick. "After all, she is a hero."
"So?" asked Erastus.
"And I -- unfortunately for you -- am not," said Sir Roderick.
And with that, Sir Roderick fired a crossbow bolt into Erastus Rayne's back.
The one-armed man just looked at Sir Roderick in shock for a few minutes.
Then he cried, "You idiot! You have no idea what you've done. By the time my employers are done with you, you will be in for a world of trouble."
Sir Roderick just smiled and said, "Somehow I doubt the good people of this village will be too displeased to find out that I just killed someone who was trying to murder a dragon slayer. Nor will the king."
"You idiot!" cried the one-armed man. "Do you really think it's going to stop there? After all, this whole dragon fight isn't about right or wrong. It's about power! And if you weren't such a clueless imbecile, Sir Roderick, you'd real -- Wait a minute! Why are you aiming that crossbow at me?"
To be continued...
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